

Going forward all Wisdom River posts are on twitter: @weatherlydarryl

Hope or despair

Choosing either hope or despair guides your life more than anything else. Yes, it IS a choice.

Finding Satisfaction

A Holy Spirit guided consciousness is a satisfied soul. 

His love

Jesus has the Universe at His fingertips yet He allowed us to humiliate Him openly, only to save us with HIS love.


Hope. Evil lurks to deprive it. But your heart and soul require it. Hope. But where can I find it? A pure source to buy it? Hope. This brief world disguises it. But only Jesus can supply it. Hope.

Critical Differences

The critical differences between a believer and a non-believer is the degree to which each has allowed himself to fully grasp the depth of his plight alone, the breadth of help he requires and the magnitude of help avialble in Christ.

Who is Jesus

Jesus is my help, my hope and my light.

Ultimate hope

Hope in God and His promises is the anchor for the soul. Hebr. 6:19

Heir or orphan?

Living according to your spiritual identity in Christ is a daily choice to live and think like a royal heir instead of a lonely orphan. 

Happiness and Joy

Happiness is a subjective mental decision that pales in comparison to the joy found in God's immeasurable love for us.

Escaping sin consienciousness

Align the spirit of your thoughts with the spirit of God's love towrd us for a long enough period of time and the burden of thinking about sin fades away. It's much more difficult to focus on trying to constantly control your behaviors rather than simply meditating and thinking on who God is and what He has done and continues to do for us. If you mediatate on God's Word long enough you will know specific scriptures by memory, and that's important. However, what is more important is consistently and continually being aware of the spirit of God's message toward us. Every passage in the Word is for our beneifit. Each story or precept shines light on information we need to know about who we are, where we came from, the nature of God and the plans and promises He has for us. That's love. He thought about every possible challenge and trial we might face, and how to get through and past them. That's love. If you focus on the spirit of the Messenger behind each mess

You're not an accidental collocation of atoms

I believe in the accidental collocation of some atoms in the universe, but certainly not in the ones that can stare in wonder at the majesty of a beautiful sunset or flawlessly execute a Coltrane progression in a jazz quartet. 

Identity shapes behavior

The identity of a person is the set of characteristics that distinguish that person from other individuals, groups of individuals or things. This set of characteristics is very diverse: gender, age, height, weight, temperment, confidence, interests, focus, talents, gifts, personal history, spirituality, origin and destiny. This is a very wide array of attributes and it is important to realize that some of them are more critical in determining the way we behave than others. Yes, your height may determine whether you are more aligned with a career in baseball or as a jockey, but if a person has no confidence can they be successful at either? There are several of these characteristics that influence behavior in a much greater way than the others. They are, in fact, the foundational pillars of all human actions, interactions and reactions. They are spirituality, origin and destiny. These are keystones to your idenity and they affect everything you think, say and do. It's important to d

Visibility and Reality

Wake up and grasp the reality of the unseen, for as surely as life and living flourish or die in the invisible province of love and oxygen, the eternal reality of our gloriously but hidden Creator prevails even more.

Surrendering - A Paradox

The prideful evade surrender for they reason without understanding. Each of us learn at an early age there is shame and defeat in surrender. This is mostly derived from our exposure to the agony of losing in battle. This usually includes the  image of a white flag waiving as sullen and dejected soldiers stagger out onto the field of battle and fall to their knees weeping and afraid. This concept creeps into everyday life as an idea that winning and dominating are the only worthwhile goal and surrendering is not an option. These sociological ideas corrupt the deeply sacred act of surrendering your life to the Lord. When we surrender to God we are not giving up, we are handing over. We are admitting to God that our own way of thinking is inferior to His way. Yes, there was something happening similar to a 'battle of wills', but not really. God was never battling anyone. He established creation and His spiritual and natural laws long before we began walking earth. So really, there

A Supernatural Life

A life that supersedes natural laws and matter is your sacred place as a supernatural being. As a human being, you were created by God soon after He began time. You are not an eternal being because you did not exist from the beginning of time, but you will continue forward through the remainder of eternity. You will reside in a mortal body for a short period of time on earth. Take careful notice that you are not bound to thinking and operating only in earthy natural ways while in your earthly body. You have the ability to operate above your earthly body and surroundings, on a higher plane of conciousness and life. This is not easy, however, because your natural mind requires a great deal of attention to navigate this natural world. It takes training and practice to manage your natural mind so that your spirit can function supernaturally. The bible tells us how to do this. You must renew your mind daily to the reality of your supernatural existence. Your true identity is your supernatur

Higher in His His Realm

Refuse to rely solely on the limited assurances of the natural world by choosing to march on in the realm of His Spirit. It is truly a beautiful mystery that God made each of us spirit beings, but clothed us in flesh, gave us nearly unlimited ways to intimately interact with this temporary physical world and then informed us that we must daily relegate this intensely pervasive natural experience so that we can elevate our eternal spirit life with Him. However, once you endeavor to fully purse this spirit life with Him you realize it is actually the greatest opportunity for victory and achievement ever conceived. Believers are blessed to be in a position to overcome natural death and speak unseen things into existence. The spiritual laws of God's Kingdom are only accessible to those who move boldly toward existing beyond the natural horizon and into the unseen realm of faith. Mark 16:16-18; James 4:7; Hebrews 4:14-16; Ephesians 6:10-20

Thospa: a sacred place

Take a moment to remember that you are a three part being. You are a spirit, you have a mind and you live in a body. You, the spirit,  manage the other two parts. You are the controller and the decider. You, the spirit, choose what information is relevant and important and how it will be utilized in your mind and for your body. For example, each day you decide how to use your free time. Options for free time may be given to you or you may seek them out. Eventually, though, you have a list of options. Today, it might be watch TV, ride your bike or read a book. The process of deciding is made by you the spirit by utilizing the resources of your memories, knowledge, emotions and critical thinking. These resources do not make the decision, you do, the spirit man (or woman). All of this activity takes place in a specific part of your mind. As discussed earlier in Widom River, this space is limited and can only operate on one or two ideas/decisions at any one given point in time. This is an


None of us have fully grasped the complete truth of Jesus. His reality is too big to fully comprehend. This does not mean He is inaccessible. He will meet you at every level revealed to you. The most important benefit of Jesus is easily obtained: just ask “Jesus save me” and you are saved. The remaining benefits are realized as you follow him: healing, hope, strength, wisdom, peace and joy. The more we press in to know Jesus the more aware we become of His fullness. The well of His benefits has no depth and no ending. Scripture is The Word, which is Jesus. As you read and soak in The Word, you are absorbing an infinite supply of the truth that is Jesus. Can we know everything about the Creator of everything? He does not expect us to understand everything. He just wants us to begin, and to continually seek, to know Him. The process of seeking Him day by day continually regenerates us so we can reflect His Light on those living without Him. Invoking the name of Jesus is power and light.

Capacity for Success

Your capacity for success increases as you surrender your failures and worries. Your brain has an immense storage capacity for facts, memories, ideas and images, However, the process of utilizing this vast amount of information is limited. We can think and focus specifically on only a few things at any one point in time. There is much we do not know about how the thinking process toggles in and out of our consciousness, but the fact is we can only devote full attention to only a few detailed thoughts at any one point in time.  Our critical thinking domain is extremely valuable “real estate” indeed. In any given moment, there are thousands of unproductive or vain thoughts and concepts ready to enter into your precious thought zone. God has given you the sole authority and ability to control the arena of your thoughts. You are the bouncer and the manager. It is a great revelation when you grasp the truth that you can manage your thoughts. God gives us powerful tools in His scriptures to